
Blogging the Cleveland Browns plus other Cleveland-area blather, plus other blather about other things.

Friday, January 09, 2004

Not allowed to carry an open beer around but....

Soon you'll be able to bring your loaded gun to the MUNY lot. What do you think, Mayor Jane Campbell?

Until recently I was probably for gun control, but frankly I'm deeply annoyed with many BS restrictions we Americans often have in our lives. I've never owned, fired, or even held a loaded gun but the idea that I can does makes me feel good, especially in the light of all the laws that say you can't do things like drink a beer in a public place. [Reading too much Glenn Reynolds?-ed Yes, while drinking at home.]

In all seriousness, it's not too bad an idea -- the bottom line is, nobody is worried about the person carrying a gun who's actually, you know, licensed, trained and registered to do so. We worry about criminals, kids, and ex-girlfriends carrying guns. Er, you know what I mean. And if the emprical evidence says that communities which allow concealed have lower crime, well then why restrict it? As a general rule, why restrict ANYTHING if it doesn't infringe on other people's rights? This is the rational and most compelling evidence. And it more or less convinces me...

...but what really resonates is the fact that I CAN'T DRINK A BEVERAGE WHEREVER I FEEL LIKE IT. Or why it's a crime for me to drive my car after drinking when I'm less impaired/distracted than I would be if I was, say, driving while talking on a cell phone or driving with my dog in the car. Or why my Ohio driver's license is hologramed with "DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE" when any reasonable person should know it should instead say "DON'T DRIVE DRUNK" cause that's what really matters.

Why am I apparently obsessed with drinking-beer issues? Partly immaturity -- I'm 29 and for the last decade this was a persistant, annoying restriction that served no purpose -- but even more so it's the realization that this issue is just the one thing that my casual drinking, immature self tended to notice the most! For whatever reason (age, marriage, Sept. 11th, cumulative books read, whatever) it's apparent to me that there will always be someone, somewhere who will persuasively argue why people shouldn't be allowed to do something despite the fact that it is in no way harmful to others. And THAT'S CRAP!!!

I know somewhere there's someone from the University of Dayton Young Republican/NRA club snickering how I finally woke up and realized a great truth which should have been apparent 10 years ago. Or maybe not, I don't know, despite being able to hear and see those pricks doing just that. And really that's the only thing that bothers me about typing the above. Cause the shit is true, and I still hate those f*ckers for wearing ties, loafers and/or snide expressions. Or was it for being business majors?

Oh w/e. Go Browns.


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